Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Donald, please create a chart - show us what your plans on for the American Citizens - your neighbors - we just play golf at a community course, or play put-put at the sadly disappearing Put-Put entertainment fun - we don't own a golf course, I did own a family casino, but it was not on my side of the 12 kids my self made nine digit multimillionaire father. He didn't get his gambling license from the State of IL. He spent a millions lobbying for the 4 story completely renovated and decorated from the finest Amish made wood though-out, carpet on three floors, elegant chandlers, on three floors from Las Vegas where he and his child bride had three homes - I didn't get a nickel, and I was his only start-up partner. I walked out after the first few million, I have been rich and I have lived on a girl scout's precise budget. I am own that level - yet I am a visionary also. I have great references - one, Baraclk Obama, and LinkedIn.com. You need me. You will lose without someone who knows what these people need you to focus on how your changes will eventually (within a year) effect the real_People. We aren't dump, ignorant, or lazy. We are your neighbors. and the country is being held up by this class (anyone but your class) is holding together the infrastructure for all of you - and you are a politician. I hate that you are a GOP - that is such a bummer for me. I may not vote for you, even if you are at the winner's circle for sure. They cannot help the People - and frankly we are getting weary with our thumb stuck in the dam for all of you on our dime, on our family. We are not politicians. We don't want to associate with them these days. Too much hit us, too soon, and too fast. It is a shock for most people. Dining in the hospital food lines is getting longer for family. Our gov. Rauner is fixing the roads first. That is how you see your position on being President of the United States, but not Leader of the People for the People. We paid the taxes you guys are putting into your daily budgets and you just don't get it, you will write off expenses, hire your family as help and pay them a whopping salary that will also be written off, and anything other way you can beat this taxable expense next year. We get that too. We are only hearing words Donald J. Trump and we all need (99% of American Citizens) substance. This will be a word of mouth (the best Advertiser, as well as Facebook & the Internet) to assure your success election day. Just a thought and a strategic outcome in my eyes only. Kitty Kelso, Secretary's Ink. p.s. Gas taxes have doubled for the Labor Day holiday - can you call someone about that, Illinois
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