Sunday, June 4, 2023

June 4th, 2023

Today, I will work with Blogger to understand more than I know now.  HP and Microsoft? One Launch? I set each stroke of the keypad, then wait for another day of learning. For several days I have made my changes to different dates or times, only to find I didn't save them, no doubt, I probably didn't!! I am terrible at IT and AI.  Both lurk serpenticially just behind my words..  

I am also working with Adsense to monetize all of the words in this blog to date!

5/4/23 Debt Ceiling Passed

It has been a long morning. I am so happy the Debt Ceiling has been passed!! I'm not going to gloat, but a few more months of peace for most people and businesses. I wish I was not so invested in what feels like clear sport, back and forth, bitch bitch bitch. I usually watch a couple, or more news stations during each day to compare all of the news and of course, @Twitter. Then, I listen to what all sides are attempting to contribute, for the people and democracy in America. 

Last night by midnight, we had a deal. 63-36.  America wins!  Democracy wins. Biden wins! The People win. We will have peace for a few more weeks. I will have some matter-of-fact opinions of both @GOP and @DEM as the spouting takes stage by each party. Tonight President Biden speaks on TV. 

Tonight, President Biden Speaks on TV. 

Learning AI at Blogger

Part of being organized is of course, filing.  Lord, I hate filing. I know, I know, we have AI now. It is a wonderful idea and production for all. I don't use paper copies for everything, and I have treasured the Macintosh SE 30 that I used many years ago but I have no idea how to get a few hundred of those documents to print on Internet yet... This, my blog, has become my rest-of-life dependence on AI screening as we do not understand each other at times. I certainly am not the easiest person to navigate a program around. So again, thank you for patience,

I am a writer.  I grab pieces of "paper" across this vast sea of apps and OS sites to jot down a few thoughts. My blog is bringing all of them across this  together. It seems I have been leaving a piece of my mind's thoughts and words here and there on this site since the early 2000. I had never been on an internet and wasn't quite prepared for this learning.

I usually - no always, do  much better keeping my thoughts flowing simply  by "winging it" across all of these venues provided by Blogger, and no doubt more. I just gave the above paragraph a thought at a time to make editing quicker and more effective. Well,

I can't write and edit at the same time, I just can't! It doesn't even make a great deal of interesting lingo to me afterwards give it my first shot, but here goes.. So, again - I am a writer. 

Politics: Slithering all around by both sides

    Outcome: In Florida? So far, either would be a loss, next...

Music: Bruce Springsteen started to follow me on Twitter! 

I certainly still have a lot to learn about AI and IT but step by step we will see my progress here!