Sunday, January 29, 2023

I Survived the Biden-Harris Amazing Election

I have looked and found a million reasons not to write again, here in the "privacy" of my little corner of the World. It went for years without me understanding all the steps between clicking and understanding why. Yet, I am privileged to have found my way through most of my technical problems.I play a game called "Connect the Dots" at FB. Well now that I topped too many (5200), I tried to apply what I learned and what how it might help me putting all of my peripherals (SE30 Mac) that are still like new, I have all the cords - together in a box, at least 40!!! I wanted to use this as an excuse to not come back here quite yet. So I'm going to wing-it as they say, and just talk to you right now. I laid out all of my cords and they are still laid out the length of my living-room and kitchen. Today, I have all that I need. So far so good! Thank you Blogger,! 

 Projection: Joe Biden has slayed me with his strength at wisdom and application. This mess will be settled by his slow steady hand and mind. He has a solid Administration. We have knowledge and the willingness to share, learn, and teach. You know what they say - nice guys finish last? Biden will hold steady and keep his ships moving about the lands, we will trade. Our pride for his loyalty is here, the rest of Americans will begin to enjoy the Peace and the former acute problems will begin to be history/old news. My belief is that the former president will grow tired of no regular reality tv on a daily basis, and shift his attention and hate towards NYC-Cummo, CNN - , etal

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