Saturday, September 15, 2012

September 7th, 2011

Perhaps this will end up showing as my first post of this blog and that is fine. I have several writings that we are attempting to add to this site, a cumulative number of comments, ideas, and suggestions, etc. over the past 10+ years. My interests are spread all over the world, finding and keeping peace where there is none, making friends in countries I have only seen on a map or globe, creating new/old business solutions for all sizes, even the Whitehouse.
  1. I love SAFE imports and exports and realize we have a great deal of work to make this happen. I pray for the new management of a Global OSHA who will do QA checks with trading countries.
  2. I am adamant about bringing new ideas and knowledge to different countries and cultures to advance teaching, accenting the life of home based mores that will give children and young adults (even adults who want to further education) a chance to explore the Internet Teach/Learn Programs yet to be written.
  3. I am collecting job data from thousands of Human Resource Companies around the US and globe, to match for the further collection of Workers wanting Work. That is coming together nicely at; and I will keep everyone posted.
  4. When we have matched workers with jobs that will rebuild the Infrastructure of US, we will be available to add our hard work to other countries needing the same commitment to rebuilding a sound and honest economic structure.
  5. I have kept journals and written a book. Little by little these examples will tell you a story of how a 5'2" 100 lb young girl knew that the Ten Commandments made more sense than what her parents were showing her. I want to teach all young people to stand on those hard moments in life as if they were steps to knowing your own direction and passion in life. 
  6. When I add the page that I wrote a couple of nights ago, with examples of giant steps, please don't get scared, receive the knowledge that walking away as an adult and choosing my own path, losing my very controlling family, was a statement heard loud and clear by the 11 children left behind. I went on to raise my three sons by myself; find a career and new family in the medical field for 20 yrs, and move on to establish my true passion - my visionary concepts and successes in 5 businesses so far. 
  7. Do I look back to a sad lonely life in the beginning? No, I look back and see that I assumed a roll of mothering early in life becoming a leader, a provider, and a love for this huge family that would only make a difference if I walked away; showing them how it could be done. A mafia-type hierarchy is a scary outfit to stand up to. The rest of siblings (his, mine, ours = all connected by law or blood, I  loved regardless) needed someone to show what normal was about. The rules were they were not allowed to talk to me, ever, at the price of losing their homes, cars, and the right to be in a multi-million dollar will. Some visited me from time to time; and some suffered losses because they were caught. I will continue with my story as the days, months, and years go on. 
  8. May we see the opening for World Peace in the palm of our hands; ready for a global economy not hampered by high taxation, greedy leaders, and tremendous rules that will hamper our progress.
  9. Workers, sign up at HELP ME group at, mentors join me at Ground Round Group to help me with ideas to move, align, and advise new Workers by adding the Leaders2Leadership to act. We will have work to organize. Workers to match with proper jobs. New resume requirements? 

Career/job openings, Continuing Education Schools, sign up at group called the Ground Round Group for Leaders, HELP ME or Workers to Work Groups for those looking for work. Kitty. 

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